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Fedco has been engineering battery pack assemblies since 1993 and have a talented team of engineers dedicated to making sure the battery we build for you exceeds your expectations.
A live discussion is really the only way to help you get started with your project, so simply call us at 1-800-542-9761 or Click here to find a Representative in your area. Fedco's sales staff will ask where you are in your project and if you have any drawings, spec sheet, pictures or even a sample of the battery. Whether you have documents or not, Fedco is here to help you ask the right questions and get the appropriate answers for your battery pack design. To help you clarify your project Fedco has created this simple Form - Battery Design Guide. (right click to save) This is a ISO controlled PDF Form that will give us more pertinent information that will help move your project forward. You can simply fill it out as complete as possible, save it and e-mail it to
Fedco will then do a feasibility study where their engineering personnel analyze the Battery Design Guide data provided. This is the first step to determine if they can provide the product that the you want. In some cases the type of cell dictates additional information from the customer to assure this cell can be used safely.
For more information on the project planning process, click on Design & Engineering / Project Planning.
Call Fedco and let's get started!